
Showing posts from 2010

Triumph and Tragedy at Decatur House

The General Post Office, aka Hotel Monaco

Lost Fast Food: Childs Restaurants in Washington

Woodies, the Sentimental Favorite

Dolley Madison's House on Lafayette Square

Doctors Hospital, a 'Hotel for the Sick'

Washington's First Convention Center

The "Notorious" Sterling Hotel

The Legacy of Charles Bond

Bassin's Restaurant, Washington's First Sidewalk Café

The Little Shop That Survived

The Elegant Palais Royal Department Store

8th and H Streets NW -The Calvary Baptist Church

Washington Deco: The Old Greyhound Terminal

Rock Creek Park's Bridge at Piney Branch

The Elegant Stoneleigh Court Apartments

Grogan's Furniture Store on 7th Street NW

Rock Creek Park's Old Rustic Log Bridge

Center Market's Chaotic Exuberance

Vaudeville and Other High Drama at 15th and G

The Riggs House at 15th and G Streets NW

Pride and Prejudice: The Names On Cabin John Bridge

Sweatshop: The Bureau of Engraving and Printing c. 1905

Farragut Square

Rock Creek Park's Old Harvard Street Bridge

The Farragut Statue: Vinnie Ream's Other Big Commission

Mr. Mullett's Bank Building: 150 Years on Pennsylvania Avenue

The Franklin Square Hotel

Georgetown's Old Stone House: Washington Didn't Sleep Here

An F Street Stroll, circa 1909

Terracotta Triumph: The Westory Building

Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury Through The Years

Lost Opportunities: The Key Mansion Saga

Boulder Bridge in Rock Creek Park